Efficient JavaScript - Dev.Opera

CSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator

dochub | Instant Documentation Search

Phone# Validation with CSS - jsFiddle - Online Editor for the Web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow and Dojo, HTML, CSS)

The target pseudo-class demo - jsFiddle - Online Editor for the Web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow and Dojo, HTML, CSS)

Previewer test ✿ dabblet.com

Our 50 Favorite Web Developers Resources and Tools from 2011

Badass JS is back with a new look! Here's a little catchup. - Badass JavaScript

Create a new Fiddle - jsFiddle - Online Editor for the Web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow and Dojo, HTML, CSS)

JavaScript Garden

HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome.

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials


Top 10 Mobile Web Development JavaScript Frameworks

Animatable: A CSS transitions gallery | Lea Verou

The Web Platform: Browser technologies

HTML5 oninput event - jsFiddle - Online Editor for the Web (JavaScript, MooTools, jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Glow and Dojo, HTML, CSS)

Raible Designs | PhoneGap for Hybrid App Development

The developer's guide to mobile frameworks | Feature | .net magazine

A gentle introduction to CSS3 Flexible Box Module (Part 1) | The Haystack.

Learn You a Flexbox for Great Good! | The Haystack.

triangle ✿ dabblet.com

vnc.js: how to build a JavaScript VNC Client in a 24 hour hackday | LinkedIn Engineering

ebidel/filer.js - GitHub

HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly

jsFiddle: Enyo, jQuery, Flot

Hidden Gems of HTML5: classList ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

Vanilla JavaScript FTW

Widget Theming: Shadow DOM Example

harmony:quasis [ES Wiki]

Regex Tester – RegexPal

Mobile Frameworks Comparison Chart

Try Jasmine in your browser, because downloading a zip file is too much work!

5 Online Playgrounds for HTML, CSS and JavaScript Compared | Design Shack

Control image aspect ratios with CSS3 | Tutorial | .net magazine

Android icons

A Giant Set Of 600 Unique iPhone Icons By IconShock

Sample Mobile App with Backbone.js, PhoneGap, and a Local Database

DamonOehlman/matchme - GitHub

Device specific css files. — Gist

URI.js - URLs in Javascript

JavaScript Getters and Setters: Why U No Use Dem? « Josh On Design

HTML5 Rocks - A resource for open web HTML5 developers

iScroll 4

Online Tools for Software Developers (Free)

Converting JSON to XML and XML to JSON

Visual jQuery 1.2.6

Simple JavaScript Inheritance

Mobile Tuxedo - Mobile Application Development Resources

960 Grid on jQuery Mobile



D8 Date extensions

API Directory - ProgrammableWeb

LocalStorage or SQLite data will no longer be backup and can be deleted in iOS 5.1 - phonegap | Google Groups

davibe/Phonegap-SQLitePlugin · GitHub

Ceaser - CSS Easing Animation Tool - Matthew Lein

CSS px is an Angular Measurement

Moment.js - A lightweight javascript date library

SitePoint HTML/JavaScript/CSS Referenz

Mobile HTML5 - compatibility tables for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, iPad and other mobile devices

CSS Gradient Editor

db.js :: a developer friendly asynchronousStorage


Online JavaScript Regular Expression Tester

Semantic client-side device detection with Media Queries

A drop-in replacement for Underscore.js

beyond html5: device apis

CreativeJS | The very best of creative JavaScript and HTML5

SilkJS - JavaScript for the rest of us

Mobile HTML5 - compatibility tables for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, iPad and other mobile devices

LinkedIn for iPad: 5 techniques for smooth infinite scrolling in HTML5 | LinkedIn Engineering

The Web Platform: Browser technologies

Experimental Page Layout Inspired by Flipboard | Codrops

Comparing HTML5 Mobile Web Framework - Dzyngiri

Simple Offline Data Synchronization for Mobile Web and PhoneGap Applications

sockjs (SockJS - WebSocket emulation)

Microjs: Fantastic Micro-Frameworks and Micro-Libraries for Fun and Profit!

AliceJS - (A Lightweight Independent CSS Engine)

The 30 CSS Selectors you Must Memorize | Nettuts+

Proto.io - Silly-fast mobile prototyping.

Principles of Mobile Interface Design

The Definitive Guide to CSS Animations and Transitions | InsertHTML

A Pixel is Not a Pixel: PPK Explains Viewports - Marakana

Getting the Native Feel - JavaScript for Mobile and Tablet Web Apps - Marakana

David DeSandro

EnyoJS and DataJog | DataJog

prototype-carousel - Prototype Carousel plugin - Google Project Hosting

JavaScript console - for debugging JavaScript and remote debugging mobile web apps

JS Bin - Collaborative JavaScript Debugging

Knockout : Home